Can you believe it?
It seems like yesterday we were celebrating our 25th anniversary in City Centre and now here we are a full year later in our own arena downtown! We are so incredibly proud to be able to have had another year of laughs with this city!
We've come full circle...sort of.
An interesting tid bit of information to note about ComedySportz is that we actually started inside the loop 26 years ago at the River Cafe in Montrose! Nowadays, many people still associate us with our many wonderful years on the west side of Houston and we are thankful for over a decade of success there. We still love everyone in West Houston and Katy and promise that we are bringing the same ComedySportz matches you know and love downtown and are working to bring even more to you! Come say hello downtown!
Saturday, November 12th
We are having our special match on the 12th of November! We are already over half way sold out for this show so make sure to get your tickets pronto!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
We can't tell you enough how much we have appreciate the support Houston has shown us all of these years. We are proud to be a part of the communities entertainment history and are excited for our next chapter in east downtown next to minute maid park!