Every Friday & Saturday @ 8PM
Because everything is improvised, no two matches are alike. Fans never see the same thing twice, and they return again and again to cheer on their favorite players. The audience helps pick what games the teams will play, yells suggestions and ultimately decides which team is the evening's winner. It's always fast, always funny and every show is appropriate for all, ages 6 and up.

Clean Comedy
ComedySportz prides itself in being able to provide a great experience for the whole family (Grandma included) without having to reach into the gutter to make you laugh!

Improv, unlike most theatre, has no script. Because everything is made-up on-the-spot, no two matches are alike. Fans never see the same thing twice, and they return again and again to cheer on their favorite players.

The Fouls
Every ComedySportz match is ran by a professional CSz Houston referee. Their job is to explain the games, keep time, and call the fouls. These are there stories... DUN DUN.
Out of Bounds Foul
If obscenities occur, either verbally or physically, the offending player or loyal fan must endure the embarrassment of wearing a brown paper sack for the remainder of that game. Should a foul be called on a player, their team will lose points.
If you would say it to your Grandma... seek professional help
Groaner Foul
If the audience groans in pain due to a corny pun, the offending player must apologize. If the apology is considered sincere by an audience vote, no points will be lost. However, if the player’s expression of regret is deemed insincere, his or her team will lose one point.
Match Line-Ups
All line-ups are subject to change.
I took my children and they asked to go back every week! We had so much fun!
— Kila S.