CSz Houston players come from all different backgrounds and professions. From architects to musicians, teachers to stand-up comedians, our players bring a world of experiences to the field every night.
Interested in joining the CSz Houston family? We have semi-annual Try Outs that you can register for below.
Or if you want to try and freshen up your improv skills before hand you can take a class with the Houston School of Improv.
Confident performers who can listen and react.
Performers who show that they are building upon the offers made by their scene partners.
Performers who exhibit strong character and scene work - not forced jokes at the expense of the story.
Performers who play well with others.
Performers who can be entertaining and clean.
Must be 18 or older, and out of high school by the end of your training period.
Sign up by filling out the form here.
See a ComedySportz show. Weekly performances are Fridays and Saturdays at 8pm.
Dress comfortably so that clothing won't restrict movement.
Please keep all your material clean.
Bring a head shot and resume, if you have them (not required).
This is an open audition where we'll run through a variety of games we perform in our shows.
Depending on the number of auditionees, the first half of auditions usually run about an hour and a half.
We take a short break, and then bring back those that we're interested in seeing further.
Doors open at 7pm, and audition begins promptly at 7:30pm, don't be late.