Stage Manager Checklist


Oversee the Players in setting up the stage and performance area.

Double check the Player forms to make sure all their duties are complete.

Collect waters for the players, ref & announcer.

Receive from concessions. One for each player plus Ref, Announcer & Keys. Make sure each bottle has initials on the cap.

Before 7:10pm, corral everyone into the Arena to do a run through. 

Make sure all performers are there, including Keys if available. If there is a hiccup, address the issue and have them run it again.

Assist Concession, HM & Box Office until the show starts.

In case any other FoH staff are overwhelmed, you function as a floater that can help.

At 7:53pm, give the Players 7 minute warning. At 7:58pm give a 2 minute warning & grab the Ref.

These times are up for slight change due to holds. Notify the Announcer that the Ref is in position.


Wait outside the theatre, near Box, to act as a runner between HM & Box.

You will also open the doors and collect naive players and audience volunteers when it is time.

Before Halftime check the bathrooms and clean up any paper towels

Be ready to answer questions and guide patrons around the theatre. Watch restroom lines and concession lines as soon as they are less than 5 people, go to the Green Room and give the Ref “2 minutes to Show” call.

Also before Halftime get new waters from Concessions

Make sure each bottle has initials on the cap. Place in the greenroom for players to pick up during Halftime.

Once the HM plays the xylophone, give Players 2 minute warning. 

After most people have moved back to their seats close the theatre doors.


Clean the house & prepare for the next show.

Have the players & co. help put away all ComedySportz items and anything no longer needed.

Double check everything is put away correctly.

Have the House Manager help you. If something is not correct have the players go back and fix it. Don't do it yourself.



Make sure all CSz Houston stuff is put away in the correct location.

Have the House Manager help you. If something is not correct have the players go back and fix it. Don't do it yourself. 

Clean the green room.

Have the Players help you, make sure no trash is left out.

Lock up & Lights Out

Turn off all the lights in the spaces we used, closing doors behind you.