Janis Settings
- Don't use the HDMI input box.
- HR HDMI into laptop
- HL HDMI into convertor (then USB into laptop)
- Set all screens to "Extend Display".
- Set TV ratio to "1280x720".
- Set order to 1-4-2 (screen 3 is messed up).
Janis Troubleshooting
- Shut down JANIS.
- Make sure all HDMIs are plugged in correctly.
- Boot up JANIS.
- If still not working restart laptop.
Screen Resolution
- Shut down JANIS.
- Open "Screen Resolution".
- Set Screen 2&4 to 1920x1080.
- Open JANIS.
- Set Screen 2&4 to ratio mentioned in 'Janis Settings' at top of page.